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Ateva Technologies

Le BC-502-PB – pour PROFIBUS DP

BC-502-PB : moniteur de reseau PROFIBUS DP, pour une analyse de vos réseaus PROFIBUS DP : 24H/24

Moniteur Réseau PROFIBUS DP

PROFIBUS DP Moniteur (BC-502-PB)

Disponibilité maximale grâce au moniteur BC-502-PB, de bus PROFIBUS DP

Le moniteur PROFIBUS DP ( BC-502-PB) est un « inspecteur » de reseaux. Il analyse de façon continue, les données qui transite sur le réseau PROFIBUS DP..Dans le cas ou l’outils detecte un echange critique qui pourrait amener à une panne du réseau, il génère automatiquement une notification de disfonctionnement et une action préventive peut être effectué.

  • Prévient de pertes de production dans le cas de problèmes de bus
  • Permets la planification des maintenance réseaux
  • Facile a utiliser, via une interface Web intégré
  • Etat de chaque esclave sur le bus PROFIBUS DP

le BC-502-PB permet la détections rapide des problèmes de bus

Le moniteur PROFIBUS se fixe dans un rack de contrôle, ( Rail DIN ). On dispose d’un moniteur par ligne de bus PROFIBUS, indépendement du nombre physique de segments a analyser. Le BC-502-PB détecte les déteriorations de la communication du bus et les rapporte. Cela permet d’établir une stratégie  de maintenance, qui réduit les interventions des équipes, seulement en cas de besoin. Les ressources maintenance sont alors optimisées.

Le BC-502-PB permet une lecture facile et simple.

Aucun changement d’adresse ni même de programmation de la PLC n’est nécessaire., lors de l’installation du moniteur PROFIBUS. La configuration et la visualisation sont fait via le réseau, grâce à une interface web intégrée.  le debug, l’analyse des problèmes demande une connaissance minimum des réseaux PROFIBUS.


Le BC-502-PB  avertit des pannes prochaines….

En se connectant sur un segment PROFIBUS, le moniteur PROFIBUS détecte automatiquement, la vitesse de transmission ( Baud Rate ) et démarre instantanément l’analyse du réseau PROFIBUS DP. Il détermine les temps de cycles et compte les événements critiques. Les événements critics sont : les erreurs de trames, redémarrage, les messages de diagnostics.. De cette manière, les détériorations lentes du réseau, dû à l’age de l’installation, sont rapidement détectées. Quand le nombre d’erreurs dépasse une limite par unité de temps, le moniteur PROFIBUS envoie une alarme à la PLC via un contact, ou ( optionel) vers le réseau Ethernet. Les 100 dernières alarmes sont stockées sous forme de liste. Dans le cas d’une apparition d’alarmes, le BC-502-PB permet de retrouver l’historique de la période en question. Le fichier trace peut etre analysé ultérieurement grâce à l’outil PROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite.


Power SupplyDC 24 V +/–20%, typ. 0.3 A, max. 1 A
PROFIBUSPROFIBUS Protocols: DP, DPV1, FMS, MPI; Connection: 9-Pin D-Sub, Baud Rates: 9.6 Kbit/s .. 12 Mbit/s
Ethernet100BASE-TX, 10BASE-T, Connection: RJ45, IP Address: Manually or via DCHP
USBOnly available with BC-502-PB/CL Option
Control SignalsPotential-free Contact, 3 Inputs DC 24 V, Active High
DimensionsHxWxD: 131 x 47 x 111 mm
WeightApprox. 0.4 kg
Mounting35 mm DIN Rail
Protection ClassIP20
Operating Temperature5 °C to 55 °C
Storage Temperature–20 °C to 70 °C
ConformityCE, FCC, VCCI
Display & ParameterizationVia Integrated Web Interface
Snapshot AnalysisVia PROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite PC Software, see separate Data Sheet
BC-502-PBPROFIBUS Monitorr for Continuous Bus Monitoring and Condition-based Maintenance of DP/DPV1/FMS/MPI, DIN Rail Mounted, External 24 VDC Power Supply Required, Signaling
Contact, Control Inputs, Ethernet 10/100BASE-T(X),RJ45, Integrated Web Server, User Manual, PB-DIAG-SUITE Analysis Software (See seperate Tab.)
BC-502-PB-STARTPROFIBUS Monitor Start Package Consisting of BC-502-PB, BC-131-PB, AC Adapter/Cable, Patch/Crossover Cable and Carrying Case

Additional Products and Services

BC-131-PBOptional Active Connection Cable for Hassle-free Integration into Existing or Running Installations Without Recabling or the Disturbances Caused by a Spur Cable, 3m Length, Bus-powered Internal Repeater
BC-502-PB/CL“Comfort Line” Option, Allows Full-Featured Protocol Analysis via USB, Supplied as Activation Code
BC-502-PB/SNMP“Premium Line” Option, Provides SNMP Network Interface for Measurement Data, Supplied as Activation Code
BC-502-PB/CLP“Comfort Line Plus” Option, Allows Full-featured Protocol Analysis via USB and Provides SNMP Network Interface for
Measurement Data, Supplied as Activation Code
TRA-PB-TECHPROFIBUS Technology Training, 2-Day
TRA-PB-TSPROFIBUS Troubleshooting Training, 3-Day

Universal Software for All Diagnostic Tools of the bus check Family

PC software for performing, evaluating and managing tests of bus physics, bus communication and cabling in PROFIBUS networks. The application is extremely easy to use, with a quick test available at a click of the mouse.

One Software for All Diagnostic Products

  • Comprehensive analysis of PROFIBUS DP and PROFIBUS PA networks
  • Diagnostic functionality available depending on connected test tool
  • License-free use on any number of PCs – no activation required

Suitable for the Fieldbus Novice

  • Bus test initiated with a single mouse click
  • Clear, easy-to-read display of test results
  • Separate expert mode providing in-depth diagnostic features for network specialists

Functionality for All Diagnostic Tasks

  • Continuous display of current bus status in status bar
  • Overall bus health indicated by traffic light symbols for bus physics and bus communication
  • Detail views with additional diagnostic information, also for advanced analyses by experts
  • Testing of bus and connected devices via integrated master simulator without configuration or parameterization
  • Generation of test reports for acceptance testing of PROFIBUS installations

Functionality of the Test Tools

Technical Data

Operating Systems:
PC Hardware*
RAM500 MB for Windows XP
1 GB for Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor1 GHz for recording at baud rates up to 1.5 Mbit/s
2 GHz for recording at baud rates over 1.5 Mbit/s
Screen Resolution1024 x 768 pixels (XGA)
USB Interface 2.0
Supported Operating SystemsWindows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8

* The above minimum requirements are only general guidelines. Requirements may vary depending on the PC/notebook used.

Order Number


Scope of Delivery

SoftwarePROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite, PC software on CD-ROM for PROFIBUS Tester 5 BC-700-PB, PROFIBUS Tester 4 BC-600-PB and PROFIBUS Monitor BC-502-PB
DocumentationManual “Getting Started”

Additional Products and Services

TRA-PB-TECHPROFIBUS Technology Training, 2 Days
TRA-PB-TSPROFIBUS Troubleshooting Training, 3 Days

Fieldbus Shield Digital Leakage Current Clamp – Locating EMC Problems

Measures leakage currents, e.g. leakage and fault currents, and current pick-up of instruments without breaking the circuit. Measurements according to DIN VDE 0701/0702 and the German BetrSichV (BGV A3, VBG 4).
  • Reliably Detects Even Very Small Improper Shield Currents Resulting from EMC Problems.
Fieldbus Shield Digital Leakage Current Clamp


Included in Package

  • Leakage current measurement
  • Differential current measurement
  • Voltage and resistance measurement
  • Frequency range for AC current / voltage 40 Hz…1 kHz
  • Acoustical continuity test
  • MIN/MAX and relative value measurement
  • Manual selection of the measurement range
  • Integrated data hold
  • Additional analog bar graph display
  • Clamp opening 30 mm
  • Auto power off
Digital leakage current clamp, 2 batteries 1.5 V IEC LR6, carrying case, measuring cables (1 x red, 1 x black) and user manual.

Order Number:


Interface for Providing an Access Point to Test PROFIBUS Networks if the D-sub Connectors have no Service Socket or if the Devices are Connected via Terminal Block

Provides an access point for testing PROFIBUS networks if the D-sub connectors have no service socket or if the stations are connected via terminal block.
  • Allows Testing the Bus During Operation
  • Exchange of Bus Devices at the Beginning or End of the Bus Without Causing Problems on the Bus
D-Sub Service Interface


The service interface is top hat rail mounted. An external 24 VDC power source is required for power supply to the terminating resistor in the PROFIBUS connector included in the package. The service interface can thus be used as an active bus termination at the beginning or end of the bus. If the PLC allows dropping and adding bus stations on the live bus, the service interface offers the possibility to exchange the first and last bus stations without causing problems on the bus. Application example:Application Example D-Sub Service Interface

Included in Package

PBMB adapter and 90° angled PROFIBUS connector with switchable terminating resistor, strain relief and screw terminal technology.

Order Number:


Interface for Providing an Access Point to Test PROFIBUS Networks With M12 Connectors

Provides an access point for testing PROFIBUS networks with M12 connectors.
  • Allows Testing the Bus During Operation
M12 Service Interface


The service interface is inserted between two bus stations. When not in use, the service output of the T piece is closed with an end cap. At baud rates of 1.5 Mbit/s or higher, use the supplied cable to ensure that the required minimum distance between bus stations is maintained. Application example:

Application Example M12 Service Interface


Included in Package

T piece (protection class IP68) with end cap and a 1 m DP cable fitted with a male/female M12 connector on each end.

Order Number: