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Ateva Technologies

WCT – X analyser – CAN analyser

X-Analyser 3 ( XA3) – The perfect CAN Analyser

What’s new into the X-ANalyser 3 ?

  • Graphical User Interface ideal for Windows PCs and tablets
  • CAN, J1939, NMEA2000, CANOpen, LIN and OBD – Included into one tool
  • T-Scripting, to make easier
  • On board Diagnostics scan Tool Features for emissions ECUs
  • CAN and LIN signal Reverse Engineering
  • Signales displays – Text, scope and graphical such as gauges and lamps
  • Can be used for ECU or even Network Simulation
  • SAE J1939 database integrated with over 4000 PGNs and signals
  • Supports industry standard log files and databases
  • Easy Project Sharing
  • Virtual networks and channels for off-line analysis

Warwick Control Technologies is a world leader in Controller Area Network (CAN) and related technology. It specialises in CAN,  CANopen, J1939, NMEA2000, LIN and FlexRay network technologies. We can also help you on the new fast CAN protocol (CAN-FD)

Our flagship product, the X-Analyser is a powerful, low cost Windows based tool that uses Kvaser, Peak or Vector interfaces to test your CAN/CANopen/J1939/NMEA2000/DeviceNet and LIN bus systems. It can also be used for OBD scan tool functions over the CAN bus, Click here to find out more.

CAN Gateway

  • X-Analyser includes a gateway component that can be used to duplicate frames from one CAN network on to another. This feature requires you to have two CAN channels configured in your project, you can then configure which channel to receive frames on and which channel to transmit them back out on.


  • X-Analyser has support for the CANopen higher layer protocol which is used for industrial automation and other off-highway applications. There are two main areas of support for which you must have the X-Analyser Professional edition; message/signal interpretation and message transmission.

Filter Editor

  • Use the filter editor to filter CAN frames on the Raw Data Trace they can be filtered by; Channel, Data, Data Length, Direction, Frame ID, Frame Type and Timestamp. These can be used with a combination of logic functions to define certain criteria for Filtering.


  • With a CAN database loaded signals can be configured to show as gauges. With a combination of gauge styles available and gauge values can be defined such as; Min and Max values and Minor and Major Step Intervals.

Interactive Generator

  • The Interactive Generator (IG) allows the user to use a CANdb (*.dbc) file to interactively transmit CAN messages onto a system using the signals physical values that will automatically be converted to raw CAN data. Running in parallel with X-Analyser, the IG allows the user to create and change CAN messages on the fly. Transmission of a message can be carried out by user interaction (i.e. by clicking on a button) or by a timer with resolution 5ms which allows periodic transmitting.

ISO 1 5765 Mode 3 DTC’s

  • The ISO 15765 transport layer can be used to easily create a OBD Mode 3 request frame and also displays the response as Mode 3 DTC’s in Hexadecimal format.

ISO 1 5765 transmitter

  • Easily create a Mode 3 transmitter when the ISO 15765 Higher Layer Protocol has been added.

J1939 Signals Database

  • pic X-analyser Professional Edition comes with a J1939 database where signals can be selected and source address defined so they can be displayed in a Signals Panel, Gauge or Scope.

J1939 Signals

  • Within the J1939 Raw Trace tab available with X-analyser Professional CAN frames can be expanded to show the signals within that frame.

Object Transmitter

  • The Object Transmitter can be used to create CAN frames and transmit them onto a network. Standard and Extended ID’s can be selected, also Transmitters can be sent periodically by selecting Auto-Repeat and defining the time interval in milliseconds.


  • With a CAN database loaded signals can be selected for the scope to displayed and plotted. Points on the scope can be selected to show the value at a certain time. The scope can also be exported to CSV format to be opened and worked with in Excel.

Signal Editor

  • The signals editor can be used to create parts of a CAN database on the fly, what’s created can be configure to a signals panel, gauges or scope.

Signal Panel

  • With a CAN database loaded signals can be configured to the signals panel to show physical values. The signals can be displayed numerically or symbolically.

Signals search function

  • CAN databases when loaded can be searched using the signals search function. Quotation marks can also be used to search for a whole name i.e. “Engine RPM”.

Symbolic and Numeric values

  • X-analyser can now have the same signals displayed more than once on a signals panel, gauge or scope. Within a signals panel the same signal can be displayed more than once with each as a symbolic or numeric value.

UDS DTC Reader

  • X-analyser now has a UDS DTC reader, once configured in the transport protocol for the UDS DTC reader. It shall read and clear UDS DTC’s with the option to set the DTC Status Mask so different ECU’s can be read.

• Graphical User Interface ideal for Windows PCs and tablets.

• CAN, J1939, NMEA2000, CANopen, LIN and OBD – included into one tool

T-Scripting, to make life easier.

• On-Board Diagnostics Scan Tool Features for Emissions ECUs.

• CAN and LIN signal reverse engineering

• Signals displays – text, scope and graphical such as gauges and lamps

• Can be used for ECU or even network simulation

• SAE J1939 database integrated with over 4000 PGNs and signals

• Supports industry standard log files and databases

• Easy Project Sharing

• Virtual networks and channels for off-line analysis


For download, please contact us 

or email us at :

For training, please contact us  or email us at :



Carte Universelle PCI avec micro contrôleur

Interface CAN simple ou double canaux, au format PCI pour réseaux CAN et CANopen

Interface fléxible pour PC embarqués et industriels

  • Data exchange between PC applications and connected CAN bus
  • Available in single and dual channel versions
  • Universal solution matching almost any CAN application
  • Use, for instance, in machine controllers, PC-based applications, test rigs or real-time simulations
  • Integration in Mathworks xPC Target

Rapid Integration with right Software Interface

  • Flexible API including FIFO storage buffering all sent and received messages, separately for each channel
  • No data loss when computer working on other tasks
  • Filtering and buffering of messages of interest
  • Automatic transmission of data to bus in exact, individually configurable cycles
  • Free CANopen Client API available for use in CANopen networks

Application in a Wide Variety of Target Systems

  • Use in Windows operating systems
  • Linux driver
  • Sample projects for C, C# or VB.NET with commented source code
Single ChannelDual Channel
CAN Protocol and Available APIs
CAN V2.0 (11/29 Bit IDs)
CANopen Client AP
CAN Bus Connection
Connector9-pin D-sub male
No. of Channels12
Galvanically Isolated
Physical LayerISO 11898-2 (CAN High Speed)
PC InterfacePCI Rev. 2.1, 4 KB DPRAM
Operating Temperature0 °C … +70 °C
Storage Temperature-20 °C … +70 °C
Relative Humidity< 90%, non-condensing
Dimensions160 mm x 100 mm
Power supply
Supply voltage5 VDC (±5 %)
Current consumptionTypically 380 mATypically 410 mA
Drivers available forWindows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux
CAN-AC1-PCISingle Channel
CAN-AC2-PCIDual Channel

Scope of Delivery

HardwarePC interface board
SoftwareDrivers, APIs, sample programs on CD-ROM
DocumentationOn CD-ROM

CAN and CANopen have a permanent place in the industrial environment. The reliability and robustness are important aspects for optimal operation. Efficient failure analysis and fast troubleshooting contribute to the high availability in networks.

During our training you learn everything from A to Z on CAN and CANopen for daily practice. We teach you the necessary specific knowledge to plan, operate and maintain CAN networks.

The CAN-AC2-PCI has no ITAR  classification

The CAN-AC2-PCI has no ECCN  classification



CANPro USB : Interface USB « High Speed » vers interface CAN, pour une utilisation mobile

CANPro USB équipe un PC, un ordinateur portable avec des preformances optimales, des réponses rapides de l’interface CAN. Le CANPro USB correspond à de larges utilisations de CAN et CANOpen, comme le contrôle, la mesure, la confirguration et l’analyse de tache. Il est disponible dans une version « Heavt Duty »

Un débit de données élevé grâce à un temps de réponse court

  • Standard USB 2.0 « High Speed »
  • Une des interfaces CAN les plus rapides du marché
  • Processeur et rapidité optimisé par firmware. conçu pour 100% de charge de bus à 1 Mbit/s
  • Débit de données élevé, grâce à un temps de réponse de 100 μs à 500 μs
  • Convient à une large gamme d’applications, incluant les applications ou le timing est une variable critique
  • Très simple d’utilisation
  • Status USB et CAN affichés par LED
  • Installation facile par connexion du cable USB vers le PC et connecteur ‘D-Sub’ vers réseaux CAN
  • Aucune alimentation électrique nécessaire.

Convient pour des applications « statiques » et « mobiles »

  • Petit et robuste, désign métalique qui convient à un usage de tout les jours
  • S’adresse aussi bien a des applications mobiles que standards
  • Une version « Heavy duty » disponible offrant un cable USB fixé et sécurisé et un kit de montage sur PC. Idéal pour applications industrielles en environnement dur

Fonctionalité facile supportant une large variété d’utilisations

  • Intégration facile dans vos applications CAN
  • APIs basé sur  C et .NET
  • Support d’une FIFO et d’un mode « objet buffer »
  • API Client CANopen gratuit, pour intégration d’applications comme le contrôle et la mesure, la configuration et l’analyse
CAN Protocol and Available APIsCAN V2.0 (11/29 Bit-IDs)
CANopen Client API
Bus Connection
Connector9-pin D-sub male
Galvanically IsolatedYes
Physical LayerISO 11898-2 (CAN High Speed)
PC InterfaceUSB 2.0 High Speed, 480 Mbit/s
Operation Temperature0 °C … +55 °C (standard version) / -20 °C … +70 °C (heavy duty version)
Storage Temperature-20 °C … +70 °C (standard version) / -20 °C … +70 °C (heavy duty version)
Relative Humidity< 90 %, non-condensing
Dimensions74 mm x 55 mm x 26 mm
Power supply
Supply Voltage5 VDC (±5 %) via USB connector
Current ConsumptionTypically 200 mA
Drivers Available forWindows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux
DUL-OO-012410CANpro USB (Version standard)
DUL-OO-012411CANpro USB (Version  » renforcée « )

Scope of Delivery

Hardware (Version Standard )CANpro USB ( version standard ), Cable USB
Hardware (Heavy Duty Version)CANpro USB (heavy duty version), lockable USB cable with cable connector and mounting kit
SoftwareDrivers, APIs, sample programs on CD-ROM
DocumentationManual on CD-ROM

Contactez nous pour des formations CAN – Formation disponible en langue Anglaise uniquement