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Carte universelle PROFIBUS, format PCI Express, pour une utilisation Maitre ou Esclave

Simple ou double canaux, l’interface PB-PRO1 est une interface au format PCI Express pour l’intégration de PC/ Servers dans une architecture PROFIBUS. la carte PB-PRO1-PCIE, permet d’utiliser vos PC comme « contrôleur », Système de contrôle d’applications et panneau opérateur.

Support of PROFIBUS Master or Slave Functionality

The protocol required for the specific use case is user selectable and executed on the PBpro PCI Express board. As a DP slave, the board integrates the PC into overlying control architectures. Configured as a DP master, the board turns the PC itself into the controller. As a DP Master Class 2, it provides the basis for parameterization and asset management tasks. In addition, integration into FMS systems or proprietary applications is just as easy and unproblematic as direct access at the lowest protocol level (FDL). This makes the PBpro PCI Express a universal interface solution and allows manufacturers to optimize the overhead costs and the inventory for their PROFIBUS options.

Rapid Integration With the Right Software Interface

The included PROFIBUS driver software is complemented with many sample programs that demonstrate how to use the PROFIBUS API. Commented sample programs show how this is done. A matching Softing OPC Server, which is available as an optional standard interface, quickly and easily connects any application that has an integrated OPC client. Typical applications include visualization, SCADA or MES systems. FDT compliant parameterization tools use the PROFIdtm Communication DTM from Softing as a link to the board. Used with the free STEP7 driver, the board can also provide a PG/PC adapter for programming Siemens controllers.

Application in a Wide Variety of Target Systems

In addition to standard Windows environments, the PBpro PCI Express board also supports Windows CE.NET as a real-time environment. On request, Softing’s team of engineers can customize the board according to customer specifications.

Master/Slave, Single Channel 1) Slave, Single Channel 1)Master/Slave, Dual Channel
DP-V0 Master
DP-V1 Master: Acyclic C2 Services
DP-V0 Slave
Fieldbus Connection9-Pin D-Sub Female, RS485, Galvanically Isolated
Transfer Rates9.6; 19.2; 45.45; 93.75; 187.5; 500; 1500; 3000; 6000; 12000 Kbit/s
PC InterfacePCI Express x1 According to PCIe r1.0a and CEM 1.1, 512 KB Shared RAM per Channel
Operating Temperature0 oC .. +55 oC
Storage Temperature-20 oC .. +70 oC
Relative Humidity< 90%, Non-Condensing
Dimensions [mm]168 x 69 168 x 69168 x 103
Power Supply
Supply Voltage3.3V / 12V (± 5%) DC
Current Consumption [mA]typ. 500 / 90typ. 500 / 90typ. 640 / 170
Drivers available forWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
PB-PRO 1-PCIE (PB-PRO 1-PCIE/LP1))Master/Slave, Single Channel 1)
PB-PRO 1S-PCI E(PB-PRO 1S-PCIE/LP1))Slave, Cingle Channel 1)
PB-PRO 2-PCIEMaster/Slave, Dual Channel

Scope of Delivery

PC interface Board, CD with Drivers, Documentation and Sample Programs

Additional Products and Services

DCF-DY-4100OPC Server for S7 / S5
TRA-PB-TECHPROFIBUS Technology Training

1) Also Available with Low Profile Slot Bracket



Carte d’interface à un ou deux canaux au format PCI universel pour l’intégration des PC dans les architectures PROFIBUS en tant que contrôleurs de machines, applications de contrôle de supervision, dispositifs de terrain ou panneaux opérateurs.


Fonctionalité PROFIBUS Maître et esclave supportée

Le protocole requis pour le cas d’utilisation spécifique peut être sélectionnable par l’utilisateur et exécuté sur la carte PBpro PCI. En tant qu’esclave DP, la carte intègre le PC dans des architectures de contrôle superposées. Configurée comme maître DP, la carte transforme le PC lui-même en contrôleur. En tant que DP Master Class 2, il constitue la base des tâches de paramétrage et de gestion d’actifs. En outre, l’intégration dans des systèmes FMS ou des applications propriétaires est tout aussi simple et sans problème que l’accès direct au niveau de protocole le plus bas (FDL). Cela fait du PBpro PCI une solution d’interface universelle et permet aux fabricants d’optimiser leurs productions et l’inventaire pour leurs options PROFIBUS.

Intégration rapide grâce à l’interface adaptée

Le logiciel de pilote PROFIBUS inclus est complété par de nombreux exemples de programmes qui démontrent comment utiliser l’API PROFIBUS. Des exemples de programmes commentés montrent comment faire. Un serveur OPC Softing correspondant, qui est disponible en tant qu’interface standard facultative, se connecte rapidement et facilement à n’importe quelle application qui possède un client OPC intégré. Les applications typiques incluent la visualisation, les systèmes SCADA ou MES. Les outils de paramétrage compatibles FDT utilisent le PROFIdtm Communication DTM de Softing comme lien vers la carte. Utilisée avec le pilote STEP7 (gratuit), la carte peut également fournir un adaptateur PG / PC pour la programmation des automates Siemens.

Grande variété d’applications

la carte prend en charge de nombreux autres systèmes d’exploitation et environnements en temps réel. Sur demande, nous pouvons personnaliser les drivers, selon les spécifications du client.

Master/Slave, Single Channel 1)Slave, Single Channel 1)Master/Slave, Dual Channel
PROFIBUS Protocol  
DP-V0 Master
DP-V1 Master: Acyclic C2 Services
DP-V2 Master 2)
DP-V0 Slave
Fieldbus Connection9-Pin D-Sub Female, RS485, Galvanically Isolated
Transfer Rates9.6; 19.2; 45.45; 93.75; 187.5; 500; 1500; 3000; 6000; 12000 Kbit/s
PC InterfacePCI V2.2, 128 KB Shared RAM per Channel
Operating Temperature0oC..+55oC
Storage Temperature-20oC..+70oC
Relative Humidity< 90%, Non-Condensing
Dimensions [mm]168×64168×64168×107
Power Supply
Supply Voltage5V/3.3V(±5%)DC
Current Consumption [mA]Typ. 500 / 200Typ. 500 / 200Typ. 700 / 300
Drivers available forWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

1) Also Available with Low Profile Slot Bracket
2) DP-V2 Available for Custom Integration. Please contact Softing to discuss your specific requirements.

PB-PRO 1-PCI (PB-PRO 1-PCI/LP1))Master/Slave, Single Channel 1)
PB-PRO 1S-PCI (PB-PRO 1S-PCI/LP1))Slave, Single Channel 1)
PB-PRO 2-PCIMaster/Slave, Dual Channel

Scope of Delivery

PC interface Board, CD with Drivers, Documentation and Sample Programs

Additional Products and Services

DCF-DY-41003)OPC Server for S7 / S5
TRA-PB-TECHPROFIBUS Technology Training

1) Also Available with Low Profile Slot Bracket
3) Requires PROFIBUS Master Interface Board

Formation disponible. Pour plus d’information, contactez nous



Testeur PROFIBUS : PB-T5 (BC-700-PB)

Testeur Profibus: SOFTING PB-T5 ( BC-700-PB ) : Pour Test rapide et facile;  bus physique, bus de communication et câblage de vos réseaux PROFIBUS


Le testeur PROFIBUS: ‘PROFIBUS Tester 5’ (BC-700-PB) est un outil de diagnostic et de dépannage puissant pour tester les câbles, mesurer les signaux et l’analyse de la communication de réseaux PROFIBUS. Il est alimenté par batterie et fournit un affichage graphique, ce qui permet des résultats rapides lorsque vous travaillez en mode autonome. En option, également le réseau PROFIBUS PA peut être analysé. En outre, le BC-700-PB soutient l’exportation des résultats des tests pour l’analyse avancée.

Le testeur profibus vous permet le test des câbles, bus physique et bus de communication « All-In-One »

  • Combinaison de testeur de signal, oscilloscope à mémoire, protocolanalyzer, simulateur de maître et la fonctionnalité de testeur de câble en un seul outil de diagnostic
  • Mode autonome, plus des diagnostics basés sur PC étendues
  • Adaptés pour l’installation, la configuration et la mise en service, la documentation, les tests d’acceptation, l’optimisation du réseau, la maintenance préventive, le dépannage ainsi que des tests de laboratoire

Très mobile, le testeur de bus permet des tests, même sans ordinateur

  • fonctionnement sur batterie sans avoir besoin d’alimentation supplémentaire
  • Affichage graphique fournissant facile à comprendre la présentation des résultats des tests
  • tests de réseau complets en mode autonome sans nécessiter un ordinateur portable

Caractéristiques de diagnostic améliorée grâce à complément logiciel PC-Based

  • De nombreuses fonctionnalités supplémentaires pour l’exécution, l’analyse et la gestion des tests de bus en mode PC (Tendance, Topologie Numériser, Master Simulator, Oscilloscope, analyseur Frame)
  • Test rapide et test contrôlé par l’utilisateur pour l’évaluation de l’état du réseau facile à la simple pression d’un bouton
  • Génération de rapports d’essais qui décrivent l’état actuel de l’installation PROFIBUS
  • Idéal pour les utilisateurs moins expérimentés, ainsi que pour les spécialistes de bus de terrain

Adaptateur de mesure en option pour MBP (Manchester Coded Bus Powered) Physique

  • Analyse spécifique du signal de support physique MBP (de feedingvoltage, type de signal, le signal de polarité, divergence bitrate)
  • Analyse complète du protocole directement au niveau du segment PROFIBUS PA
Diagnostics Functionality
Protocol and Frame AnalysisPROFIBUS DP-V0 and DP-V1, automatic baud rate detection in the range of 9.6 kbit/s … 12 Mbit/s
Signal AnalysisPROFIBUS DP-V0, DP-V1, FMS and MPI
… via EIA-485Signal quality index 0 … 5,000, determined from signal wave form as well as signal/noise ratio and rise time; signal sampling with 8/16 samples per bit
… via MBP
(requires optional adapter)
Fieldbus feeding voltage: 0 V … 35 V at 0.1 V resolution, signal level: 100 mV … 1,200 mV at 10 mV resolution, signal polarity, bitrate divergence: ±1.2 % at 0.01 % resolution, signal sampling with 128 samples per bit
Oscilloscope Display
(Not Available for MBP)
Test range: ±5 V at 10 mV resolution (differential), 0 V … 15 V at 15 mV resolution (A or B to DGND);
sampling rate: up to 384 Msamples/s; sampled points: 2,400 (signal details), 8,192 (oscilloscope analysis)
Topology Scan
(Not Available for MBP)
Active, maximum distance: 230 m, accuracy: ±2 m
Cable Test
(Not Available for MBP)
Active, supported cable segment length: 5 m … 1,500 m, accuracy: 5 %
OperationVia graphical colour display, four function keys and scrollwheel including central push-button or via PC/notebook
Internal Memory Capacity3 user-definable network directories (segment and test location) for storing quick tests, trend logs and cable test results
Trend logging: max. 99 hours
TriggerIN: L = 0 V .. 0.8 V; H = 2.4 V .. 24 V; pulse > 10 μs, active high
OUT: approximately 5 V, active low (connection to storage oscilloscope)
PC Operating SoftwarePROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite, see separate datasheet for details
EIA-485 (PROFIBUS DP)PROFIBUS D-sub connector, 9 pins, power supply for external bus termination
MBP (PROFIBUS PA)Connector, 3 pins, for screw terminals at optinal measuring adapter, measuring cable set including 3 probes(adapter for MBP measurement is attached to D-sub connector)
USBV 2.0, high speed 480 Mbit/s, galvanically isolated
Dimensions (H x W x D)35 mm x 220 mm x 110 mm
Power SupplyBuilt-in three-cell lithium-ion battery supporting 11.1 VDC or external AC adapter 100 VAC … 240 VAC, 50/60Hz (galvanically isolated)
The rechargeable battery has a runtime of up to 5 hours (runtime depends on the performed test functionality and rate of wear of the rechargeable battery)
Battery is charged via external AC adapter
Operating/Storage TemperatureOperating temperature: 0 °C … 50 °C, storage temperature: -20 °C … 70 °C
Relative HumidityAir humidity: 10 % … 90 % without condensation
WeightTest tool, no cable: approximately 0.75 kg; complete carrying case: approximately 4.2 kg
ConformityCE, FCC, VCCI
ATV-DDA-NN-006014PROFIBUS Tester 5 (BC-700-PB)
ATV-DDL-NN-006012PROFIBUS Tester 5 (BC-700-PB) with Oscilloscope Option
ATV-LRA-NN-006011Oscilloscope Option (Oscilloscope view in stand-alone mode)
ATV-DDL-NL-006010PROFIBUS PA option for BC-700-PB (BC-700-PB serial number required for order placement)

Scope of Delivery

HardwarePROFIBUS Tester 5 (BC-700-PB), power supply unit 100 VAC … 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz with connecting cables for Europe and USA, adaptor cables, carrying case
Measuring adapter BC-700-H1, measuring cable set (for PROFIBUS PA option)
SoftwarePROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite (PC software for Windows on CD-ROM)
BC-700-PB upgrade license (on CD-ROM, for PROFIBUS PA option)
DocumentationDevice Manual, “Getting Started“ Manual

Additional Products and Services

ATV-ACA-NN-006031EIA-485 D-Sub adapter cable for testing operational networks with reduced influence on segment operation
(view product)
Adapteur D-Sub vers M12, fourni avec un T et bus M12 de terminaison, pour profibus DP
(view product)
Pince pour mesure des courants de fuite. Localise les problèmes électromagnétique ( EMC ) . 40 ..1000 Hz, MIN/MAX, Data Hold, Cable pour mesure, fourni avec son étui.
(view product)
D-Sub Service Interface with Active Bus Termination and 90° Angled Connector for PROFIBUS DP
(view product)
M12 Service Interface for PROFIBUS DP, Comprising M12 T-Piece, End Cap and M12 Connection Cable (1 m)

PROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite

Universal Software for All Diagnostic Tools of the bus check Family

PC software for performing, evaluating and managing tests of bus physics, bus communication and cabling in PROFIBUS networks. The application is extremely easy to use, with a quick test available at a click of the mouse.

One Software for All Diagnostic Products

  • Comprehensive analysis of PROFIBUS DP and PROFIBUS PA networks
  • Diagnostic functionality available depending on connected test tool
  • License-free use on any number of PCs – no activation required

Suitable for the Fieldbus Novice

  • Bus test initiated with a single mouse click
  • Clear, easy-to-read display of test results
  • Separate expert mode providing in-depth diagnostic features for network specialists

Functionality for All Diagnostic Tasks

  • Continuous display of current bus status in status bar
  • Overall bus health indicated by traffic light symbols for bus physics and bus communication
  • Detail views with additional diagnostic information, also for advanced analyses by experts
  • Testing of bus and connected devices via integrated master simulator without configuration or parameterization
  • Generation of test reports for acceptance testing of PROFIBUS installations

Technical Data

Operating Systems:
PC Hardware*
RAM500 MB for Windows XP
1 GB for Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor1 GHz for recording at baud rates up to 1.5 Mbit/s
2 GHz for recording at baud rates over 1.5 Mbit/s
Screen Resolution1024 x 768 pixels (XGA)
USB Interface 2.0
Supported Operating SystemsWindows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

* The above minimum requirements are only general guidelines. Requirements may vary depending on the PC/notebook used.

Fieldbus Shield Digital Leakage Current Clamp – Locating EMC Problems

Measures leakage currents, e.g. leakage and fault currents, and current pick-up of instruments without breaking the circuit. Measurements according to DIN VDE 0701/0702 and the German BetrSichV (BGV A3, VBG 4).

  • Reliably Detects Even Very Small Improper Shield Currents Resulting from EMC Problems.


  • Leakage current measurement
  • Differential current measurement
  • Voltage and resistance measurement
  • Frequency range for AC current / voltage 40 Hz…1 kHz
  • Acoustical continuity test
  • MIN/MAX and relative value measurement
  • Manual selection of the measurement range
  • Integrated data hold
  • Additional analog bar graph display
  • Clamp opening 30 mm
  • Auto power off

Included in Package

Digital leakage current clamp, 2 batteries 1.5 V IEC LR6, carrying case, measuring cables (1 x red, 1 x black) and user manual.

Order Number


M12 Service Interface for PROFIBUS DP

Application example:

Interface for Providing an Access Point to Test PROFIBUS Networks With M12 Connectors

Provides an access point for testing PROFIBUS networks with M12 connectors.

  • Allows Testing the Bus During Operation


The service interface is inserted between two bus stations. When not in use, the service output of the T piece is closed with an end cap. At baud rates of 1.5 Mbit/s or higher, use the supplied cable to ensure that the required minimum distance between bus stations is maintained.

Included in Package

T piece (protection class IP68) with end cap and a 1 m DP cable fitted with a male/female M12 connector on each end.

Order Number




M12 adaptor PROFIBUS Tester  PB-T5

Application example:

Interface for Providing an Access Point to Test PROFIBUS Networks With M12 Connectors

M12 Adaptor for PB-T5

  • Allows Testing the Bus During Operation


The service interface is inserted between two bus stations. When not in use, the service output of the T piece is closed with an end cap. At baud rates of 1.5 Mbit/s or higher, use the supplied cable to ensure that the required minimum distance between bus stations is maintained.

Included in Package

M12 Adaptor for PB-T5

Order Number



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