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Ateva Technologies

mobiLink Power


Interface Mobilink Power, pour la configuration de module HART, sans alimentation électrique, ni réseau

HS Code : 84733020

SKU: DUA-KM-020440 Categories: , , ,


mobiLink power permet une connexion directe avec le “field device” sans aucune infrastructure. L’alimentation intégrée élimine le besoin d’avoir d’autres composantes, comme une alimentation externe, une résistance de terminaison et facilite grandement la maintenance

Single interface for the major Process Automation protocols

  • HART Master, Foundation Fieldbus Host and PROFIBUS PA Master included in one device
  • Parametrization and configuration of field devices
  • Diagnostics and condition monitoring

Provides the power supply for the field devices

  • Eliminates the need for an additional power supply and power conditioner for workbench applications

Support of FDI, FDT frame applications and major engineering tools

  • PACTware FDT frame application and HART communication DTM included
  • Communication DTM for Foundation Fieldbus and PROFIBUS PA (optional)
  • Foundation Fieldbus configuration tool (optional)
  • Application Program Interface for integration into engineering systems

Unlimited flexibility in use

  • mobilink Power draws power from the connected computer via USB
DUA-KM-020440mobiLink Power for HART applications, including accessories
LRA-KK-021973linkPlus FF – License to activate Foundation Fieldbus
LRA-LL-021974linkPlus PA – License to activate PROFIBUS PA
LRA-KK-020721Licence for FF Configuration Tool ComConf

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